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Minutes of Meeting of Weymouth Board of Commissioners

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Village of Weymouth was held on April 4th, 2022 in the meeting room at the Medical Centre with Commissioners Gaudett, Frizzell, and Mullen present. 

Meeting was called to order by the Chair at 7:15 pm. 

The minutes of the meeting of March 15th, 2022 were approved as presented on motion by Commissioner Frizzell and seconded by Commissioner Mullen. 

Business Arising out of the Minutes:

            -Municipality has been advised this commission’s approval of the Digby Accessibility plan.

            -New street light at water fountain has been installed

            -Dept of Health lease has been renewed for another two years.

            -Financial information will be sent to Grant Thornton as soon as bank statements and any remaining invoices are received.



            -Municipal up dated area assessment list received.

            -Inquiry from a potential tenant for a portion of the former VON offices. Chair to follow up.

            -Email from Assoc of NS Villages on up coming quarterly meeting on Apr 22nd.


Financial Reports: An updated financial report was presented by Clerk Treasurer. Approved on motion by Commissioner Mullen seconded by Commissioner Frizzell  

New Business:

            -Up date of roof repairs.  Leaks continue, contractor has been on site, devised a plan to replace entire roof and close in skylights. Cost estimates to be provided by next meeting.

            -Clerk has requested that insurance issues be added to the agenda at the up coming meeting the Association of Nova Scotia Villages.

            -General discussion ensued on various topics including complaints on the placement of green carts following emptying. Follow up will be instigated via the Municipality


            Commission meeting will continue to be held on the Monday May 9th due to timing conflict for regular scheduled date. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 on motion Commissioner Frizzell seconded by Commissioner Mullen

Respectively submitted­­­­­­­­­­­­­­


                                    ________________                          _____________________                                                        Clerk Treasurer                                                            Chair

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